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Monday, November 25, 2019

Design Specification Essays

Design Specification Essays Design Specification Essay Design Specification Essay A Requirements I have been asked to set up an ordering system for a clothing company to hold stock records and process orders. The system should reflect the outdoor image of the company. The company colours are blue/yellow and it has a logo, which could be used to personalise the system. The system must be able to: 1. Hold Information 1. hold the details of 20 stock items including, stock code, description, price and quantity in stock 2. hold customer details for 10 clients including full name, address and postcode, current balance and credit limit 2. Take an Order 1. Input name of client (check if name is on record and generate an error message if not) 2. Input stock code for items required (check for valid code and display item and price each) 3. Input quantity of item required (check there is sufficient stock and generate an error message if not) 4. Repeat for up to 5 stock items 5. Calculate the total bill for the items ordered 6. Apply a discount of 10% for orders over à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½500 7. Add VAT at 17.5% (including a way to alter this if it changes) 8. Calculate the overall cost for the invoice (check it is within the clients credit limit and generate an error message if not) 9. Include a way to process or abort the order 3. Produce an Invoice 1. Generate an invoice from the information input in 2 2. Print out the invoice 3. Update the customer current balance to reflect the new order 4. Update the stock to reflect what has been sold 5. Clear out data from order form ready for next order 4. Update Information 1. Update stock quantity when new stock arrives 2. Update customer current balance when an invoice is paid 5. Produce Required Output 1. Display/print out labels for selected customers name, address, postcode 2. Display data about a current stock item by entering the code. 3. Display/print out a current stock list with values 4. Display graphs, eg Customer balances, stock quantities 5. Display and print invoices see 3.1 B System functions The main functions required are: 1. 1. View Stock 2. Check Stock 3. Print Stock 4. Add New Stock 5. Graph Stock Quantities 6. View Customer 7. Print Address Labels 8. Take an Order 9. Pay Invoices 10. Graph Outstanding Balances A button linked to a macro will be required on the menu for each of these functions. C Sheet Layouts I could have used a separate worksheet for each function, but as some function are quite small the layout below avoids too many sheets. As Excel comes with three work sheets as standard I have decided this will suffice so I will use them as follows. 1. Sheet One Label tag Menu 1. The Main Menu with Macro buttons to all functions listed above 2. Stock Check Function (at least one screen below menu macro to return to menu) 3. Print Label Function (at least one screen below stock macro to return to menu 4. Sheet Two Label tag Data 1. Stock detail (Top part of sheet macro to return to menu) 2. Client Details (Bottom part of sheet macro to return to menu) 3. Sheet Three Label tag Order 1. Order Input Top part of slit screen 2. Invoice Bottom part of split screen D Data Fields Data Sheet Stock field headings required 1. stock code Items stock code 2. bin number a number 3. description description of stock item 4. price each retail price of one item 5. stock value calculated from price each times in stock 6. in stock current quantity in stock 7. new stock input area where new stock can be entered 8. ordered extracted from order form on Order sheet if ordered (IF stock code on invoice = stock code for item, then put in quantity for this item, otherwise do nothing) 9. remaining calculated from in stock add new stock take away ordered Client field headings required 1. S name Clients Surname it is assumed each Surname is unique 2. F name Clients Forename 3. address Clients Address 4. town Clients Town 5. postcode Clients Postcode 6. account balance Balance outstanding on account 7. credit limit Maximum credit for client 8. credit remaining calculated from credit limit take away account balance 9. payments Input area for payments to be entered 10. order value extracted from total on Invoice if this client selected (IF S name on invoice = S Name for this client, then put in invoice total, otherwise do nothing) 11. new balance calculated from account balance add order value take away payments E Macros required 1. Main_Menu this always returns user to the top of the Menu sheet from any part of any worksheet 2. View_Stock takes user to the Stock area of the Data Sheet 3. Check_Stock takes user to the area where this function is located 4. Print_Stock selects the area of the Data sheet containing stock data and prints it 5. Add_New_Stock takes user to stock area of Data sheet and selects the top cell in the new stock column 6. Update_Stock Once new stock is entered it copies the value from the remaining column and pastes it in the in stock column and then clears new stock column. User is then returned to main menu. 7. Graph_Stock takes user to area where graph has been generated and gives option to print the graph 8. Print_Graph selects graph and prints it 9. View_Clients takes user to the Stock area of the Data Sheet 10. Take_Order takes user to the Order Sheet 11. Labels takes user to the area where this function is located displays label for selected client and offers choice to print out label 12. Print_Labels selects and prints label from screen 13. Payment takes user to client area of Data sheet and selects the top cell in the payments column 14. Update_Client Once payment is entered it copies the value from the new balance column and pastes it in the account balance column and then clears payment column. User is then returned to main menu. 15. Graph_Balance takes user to area where graph has been generated and gives option to print the graph 16. Print_Graph2 selects graph and prints it 17. Process_Order Selects and prints out the new Invoice. Triggers Update_Client macro. Triggers Update_Stock macro. Triggers Abort_Order macro. 18. Abort_Order Clears all input cells and returns user to main menu. Possible layout for the Main Menu showing macro buttons F Constraints Assumptions 1. Only 20 items of stock are required 2. Maximum amount of stock held will be 100 3. Only 10 clients are required 4. Clients will have unique names 5. Only up to 5 items will be ordered at any one time 6. VAT is 17.5% 7. Discounts will be 10% on orders over à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½500 G Testing 1 Comprehensive test data will be required to check 1. All outputs are as expected 2. Invalid stock codes are rejected 3. Clients not on file are rejected 4. Order quantity is not over the current stock 5. Printed invoice matches all data input 6. Invoice total is correct. 7. All cells, other than those required for input, are protected 2 Each formula must be tested to ensure it performs correctly 1. Does it perform the correct function? 2. Does it give the correct answer? 3 Each Button must be tested to ensure it functions as expected 1. Check each macro works independently 2. Check different sequence of buttons to ensure one does not effect another

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